Sunday, March 2, 2008

Polishing Aircraft Properller

What ugly brides and shells have in common

Dear Reader,

in my last blog entry I had mentioned the name of a nostalgia-known board game: "Overtaking without catching up." After careful consideration and discussions with my colleagues, I concluded that: Overtaking without catching that applies to the culture of many companies. As I come to this conclusion. We live in a market economy, money rules the world. Profit would have the lofty goal of each company respectively of each company be better, market Darwinism, or "survival of the fittest "or" survive the best. " Better at any cost, even at the release of staff. Nice concept, that does not sound as negative as termination. But something of property abandonment. You, workers belong to me, you're a production factor, if I do not need you, I let you free. But the thousands of jobs at risk, which is currently in the press and on talk radio, only the consequence of a corporate culture that focuses on shareholder value. Almost like America's Next Top Model. You have to be sexy as a company. What do you judge the sex appeal of a woman? Of course, to appearances, what we see (n). "You're too fat." Clear statement of the model coach. "You have too high a cost, you need to slim down." Clear statement of shareholders.

And the end of it: The strategy, or rather tactics (. Is a strategy, a more long-term well-planned aiming for an advantageous position or a target) of the companies is to this claim with increasing frequency (now typically up to the submission of the next quarterly figures to meet). Win, yes, that comes first, but then your away all fat pads, body mass index < 19. Also wird auf Teufel kommt raus gespart, gekürzt, verzichtet. Von diesem Kurzfristdenken u.a. betroffen: Projekte, wobei die schon gar nicht mehr diesen Namen verdienen. Heute spricht man schon mal gerne von Initiativen. Die können als singuläre Entscheidung existieren und sind, bevor man sie wahrnehmen konnte auch schon wieder vorbei. Denn es geht doch gar nicht mehr um das Wesentliche, nämlich darum, Ursachen für Probleme zu identifizieren und abzustellen. Nein, Quick Wins müssen her, pronto, möglichst schnell, am besten sofort, quick eben. Die Braut - die sonst keiner haben wollte - muss hübsch gemacht werden, Schleier drüber, vor den Altar und hoffentlich ein beiderseitiges „Ja, ich will“ von Aktionär und Unternehmen. Und dann – aaah, alle sind glücklich, haben Tränen der Rührung in den Augen. Bitte noch rasch ein paar Fotos als Erinnerung. So gut werden wir nie wieder aussehen … aber vor der Hochzeitsnacht bitte nicht den Schleier heben, was wäre das für ein Schock. Als großer Grimm-Fan empfehle ich hierzu das Märchen „Jungfrau Maleen“ unter

Another very interesting effect. The employee, himself a cost factor and thus potentially at risk, lapse in a similar pattern as the companies in which they work. I show people is required to my boss that I'm the one irreplaceable and utilized for the second entirely. to cut for me would be a fatal mistake. So in practice all operational stress. But in the end everything just hot ticket, air, great packaging, few or no content. You feel almost in the 1st Century AD added. Thus, the Roman emperor Caligula did not have to return home as a big loser from his Britain campaign, he was at that time his troops on the beaches of the English Channel to collect sea-shells, which suggest an exotic spoils of the surgical outcome should be. Back in Rome followed by the obligatory victory parade. Today that would be the annual general meeting of a listed company. Of course, surgical stress often serves as a guise for other problems, such as a lack of strategy, lack of leadership, is for construction, as well as process-organizational confusion, for any errors, ...

The effect in each case the same. It is frantically beating its wings without actually leaving the ground. One has forgotten how to fly, but it looks more professional or sexy, even if the bill does so as if one could fly. Such an employee can not be free but simply put, many believe, yet they are released. Positive counter-example from nature complacent? Ants, small but perfectly formed. A true chaos, but not all - though of limited intelligence, or perhaps because of it - serve their own needs without regard to the broadly and that with a system. Some look for food, others defend the search for food and the colony. Still others, actually only one, namely, the queen lays the eggs, while others care for their young. Clear procedures, clear responsibilities, clear interfaces - 100 percent effective and efficient, clear strategy "We want to multiply and survive us." One would think that for Undertakings. Unfortunately, the reality is often a different picture.


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