Friday, March 14, 2008
Long Distance Rates Jamaica
Dear Reader,
for nearly one year - I think it all started after the storm Kyrill, or was it Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans was under water - we experience a revival of ecology. Line with the environment and the program is in almost every news broadcast. The other day I had my Toyota car dealer, yes, with the Prius. Located in the sales room was then that great car. Behind the car a huge billboard with a number of arguments for hybrid, and, most important, with many pictures in which you were confronted with the consequences of climate change. As icing on the cake was on a built-in wall LCD TV - which will cost well - the movie by Al Gore "Inconvenient Truth". ... oh God, I feel bad. Can I breathe? This results but also CO2.
I admit it. I drive a SUV. In my defense I would point out however, I have two small children and therefore space need. I have also upgraded a particulate filter and now I'm on the road with green environmental badge. Well, with environmental interests were not really in the retrofitting, but more than 330 EUR government support, the lower car tax, the higher resale value and - most importantly - free ride through the new environmental zones. I therefore do something for the environment is more of a - of the society desired and funded with tax money - a side effect. All in all, the intensive care of our garden and the whole of my contribution to environmental protection. I will not even now so labidare Things such as waste collection or use of energy saving lamps give.
At this point, stop! Do you think I'm an environmental sinner? Perhaps you are one? Have your environmental performance in recent months not only covered but also changed out of conviction? If so, then I take my hat off to you. Environment is important to me because I will leave no doubt, but all this talk of CO2 is such a thing from me in the ass. But then sometimes extra foot down in protest against the protest. So think certainly not a few. What we do now but just on the environment, the required because the necessary new thinking on the use of natural resources, experience many companies when it comes to affecting a change in culture, eg by a regulatory body to a publicly traded company.
After all of the preface: corporate culture, or more precisely the change of culture will now be the subject of my thoughts. Did they actually
by officials in post, telecommunications and rail, a premium for the upgrade of a particulate filter bureaucracy paid? Joking aside. These companies will be trying for several years, employees customer orientation, teach effective action and so on. Values are defined as: "Quality determines our actions." "The customer is king." ... And, and. The number is limited to the values usually 5 to max. 10. They should be so noted and may. A quick check reveals fast: The values are the same for each company holds. The consultants that accompany the company values in the definition, make use of seemingly be an empty phrase-module, then removed from the individual company needs in order of the values of components, something angehübscht CI-compliant and then put into effect. Then comes the obligatory announcement. "These are our values, who now lives on".
The whole reminds me of Moses, who received from God on Mount Sinai the Ten Commandments (values), then descended from the mountain and had to witness that his people danced around the golden calf. Ah, the stubborn, silly Israelites. They wanted to understand not just the Ten Commandments. "Thou shalt not kill" was too obscure. So it was shortly followed by the Mosaic Law: clear message: Those who kill, is also killed. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Now everything was clear. It was so ordained by God to the culture change? No! The system was based on force.
So, after the trip back into the past to the problems of enterprises and business leaders. They proclaim the values and the employees there take note. Changes to what? Not really. The mere announcement brings nothing. It is also the model of management is one of them and a little bit of coercion, such as a tantiemerelevante Goal setting on company values. Then it would work ... wonder managers and believe that's still nothing. Why the staff are so stubborn and stupid? They are not at all. All too often I have seen it that during the project or projects "values change" - Maintaining meet everyone, especially the leaders with respect, openness, value employees - yes, sometimes not enough as a project. The whole thing is taught to them in the context of workshops and the leaders carry the message to its employees continue. They are also obliged to take measures for strengthening the values and regular To create values reports. Everyone wants to be in the course of enterprise-wide project, the best Werteverkünder. Wing beat, without actually leaving the ground. If the project is over, the leaders caught again trying to tear each other apart, not begrudge the other even for a budget of € more, each is afraid of losing influence, everyone wants to achieve its objectives (costs). Short-term thinking sets in again. And the people see it and rightly wonder. "Why should I change?"
" The question of culture has the capacity to annoy anyone seriously interested in the topic " - J. Martin
After two years, notes the company's management, that almost all know the values, albeit, but hardly any of it. Without the strong reflection of past events or a decided cause analysis for the lack of acceptance of a new culture change project will be lifted out of the baptism. The project scheme is almost identical to that of the previous projects, thus the result. I'll tell you certainly nothing new, but it must be said. The value of employees feeling is not limited to the company. There are people, not machines. People are shaped by their socialization, by their environment, mostly by her family. My family has been involved have never been to a cultural change project. Why not? Why is Cultural change also always imposed from above? Why not simply reward or promotes the company desired behaviors? Optimal working conditions, awards such as "Employee of the Month", offering training, provision of budget for the evening of bowling department, etc. That is always cheaper than a company-wide major project. I admit, but it is not as high profile.
In culture, the principle is constant dripping wears away the stone. Unfortunately, much too often poured millions of cubic meters of water within seconds of the stone. The stone is wet for a short time, but a hole? No way! Short-term thinking and cultural change that simply does not fit together .
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Polishing Aircraft Properller
Dear Reader,
in my last blog entry I had mentioned the name of a nostalgia-known board game: "Overtaking without catching up." After careful consideration and discussions with my colleagues, I concluded that: Overtaking without catching that applies to the culture of many companies. As I come to this conclusion. We live in a market economy, money rules the world. Profit would have the lofty goal of each company respectively of each company be better, market Darwinism, or "survival of the fittest "or" survive the best. " Better at any cost, even at the release of staff. Nice concept, that does not sound as negative as termination. But something of property abandonment. You, workers belong to me, you're a production factor, if I do not need you, I let you free. But the thousands of jobs at risk, which is currently in the press and on talk radio, only the consequence of a corporate culture that focuses on shareholder value. Almost like America's Next Top Model. You have to be sexy as a company. What do you judge the sex appeal of a woman? Of course, to appearances, what we see (n). "You're too fat." Clear statement of the model coach. "You have too high a cost, you need to slim down." Clear statement of shareholders.
And the end of it: The strategy, or rather tactics (. Is a strategy, a more long-term well-planned aiming for an advantageous position or a target) of the companies is to this claim with increasing frequency (now typically up to the submission of the next quarterly figures to meet). Win, yes, that comes first, but then your away all fat pads, body mass index < 19. Also wird auf Teufel kommt raus gespart, gekürzt, verzichtet. Von diesem Kurzfristdenken u.a. betroffen: Projekte, wobei die schon gar nicht mehr diesen Namen verdienen. Heute spricht man schon mal gerne von Initiativen. Die können als singuläre Entscheidung existieren und sind, bevor man sie wahrnehmen konnte auch schon wieder vorbei. Denn es geht doch gar nicht mehr um das Wesentliche, nämlich darum, Ursachen für Probleme zu identifizieren und abzustellen. Nein, Quick Wins müssen her, pronto, möglichst schnell, am besten sofort, quick eben. Die Braut - die sonst keiner haben wollte - muss hübsch gemacht werden, Schleier drüber, vor den Altar und hoffentlich ein beiderseitiges „Ja, ich will“ von Aktionär und Unternehmen. Und dann – aaah, alle sind glücklich, haben Tränen der Rührung in den Augen. Bitte noch rasch ein paar Fotos als Erinnerung. So gut werden wir nie wieder aussehen … aber vor der Hochzeitsnacht bitte nicht den Schleier heben, was wäre das für ein Schock. Als großer Grimm-Fan empfehle ich hierzu das Märchen „Jungfrau Maleen“ unter
Another very interesting effect. The employee, himself a cost factor and thus potentially at risk, lapse in a similar pattern as the companies in which they work. I show people is required to my boss that I'm the one irreplaceable and utilized for the second entirely. to cut for me would be a fatal mistake. So in practice all operational stress. But in the end everything just hot ticket, air, great packaging, few or no content. You feel almost in the 1st Century AD added. Thus, the Roman emperor Caligula did not have to return home as a big loser from his Britain campaign, he was at that time his troops on the beaches of the English Channel to collect sea-shells, which suggest an exotic spoils of the surgical outcome should be. Back in Rome followed by the obligatory victory parade. Today that would be the annual general meeting of a listed company. Of course, surgical stress often serves as a guise for other problems, such as a lack of strategy, lack of leadership, is for construction, as well as process-organizational confusion, for any errors, ...
The effect in each case the same. It is frantically beating its wings without actually leaving the ground. One has forgotten how to fly, but it looks more professional or sexy, even if the bill does so as if one could fly. Such an employee can not be free but simply put, many believe, yet they are released. Positive counter-example from nature complacent? Ants, small but perfectly formed. A true chaos, but not all - though of limited intelligence, or perhaps because of it - serve their own needs without regard to the broadly and that with a system. Some look for food, others defend the search for food and the colony. Still others, actually only one, namely, the queen lays the eggs, while others care for their young. Clear procedures, clear responsibilities, clear interfaces - 100 percent effective and efficient, clear strategy "We want to multiply and survive us." One would think that for Undertakings. Unfortunately, the reality is often a different picture.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Wording For Parties With Price Per Person
In many large companies, there is an area that is not so for their core competence. However, he is there and tends to exponential growth in terms of head count, the location, the boxes in the organizational chart. He binds and consumes millions of dollars and supplies will hopefully - but usually only to a limited measure - an added value. Here are some references to the area in question. He added, though he is only an internal service provider, often call the shots in the company. It shows the limits of his vision for what is possible and thus indirectly affects the company's strategy. It sets out processes, decides on the lines of communication within the company, controls information flows ... OK enough information. Here are the 1 million-euro question, because smaller amounts are rather rare in this area. From which division we are talking about is:
- staff
- Controlling
- IT
Now if you do not IT have checked, then your company is more the exception, or you have taken the decision that others - external service - IT can be better. Would your choice fallen on the IT, then please be comforted by the fact that not all companies that have outsourced their IT, so that really save money. You rightly ask, how can I make such a claim.
first the pure theory. G REASONS for outsourcing (selection):
- Higher concentration on core competencies
- lack of know-how or qualified employees
- mobility of jobs and data
- higher performance and better Performance
- Faster response to changes
- cost effectiveness / cost reduction
- IT costs calculated clearly
- No own investments (software, hardware, new technologies)
This list could be supplemented at will, nevertheless, would be a company that intended one or more of the above points to define itself as a strategic goal for a long time not immune from the end of IT spending more money.
Outsourcing is a strategic approach in a Make-or-buy decisions, here specifically for the buy-decision. relating to IT services externally to say, but also, the divisions that were previously responsible for IT, detach from the organization, either in the form of a subsidiary / spin off, by sale to an existing IT service provider, or simply by giving notice, the latter route is probably the most tedious. Whether a buy decision for IT services is the better choice depends in turn on various factors, such
- IT is not a core competence of the company - sounds simple, but for one or the other companies rather with a clear " Yes and no answer. " For source or Otto IT a core competency? At first glance, probably not, it's these companies but rather to logistics. But as the customer contact is made, orders are received and forwarded to suppliers? With the help of IT. In fact, are source, gasoline or even better Amazon information logistics.
- Supported by the IT business processes are characterized by low complexity and high stability, ie the need in use IT solutions are adjusted only rarely in terms of functionality, interfaces and architecture.
- The product and process owners in the company are in a position their professional (eg functions) and non-technical (eg performance) requirements to describe an IT system with sufficient detail (business concept).
- meet the IT solutions market-compatible, state-of-the-art standard solutions which were adjusted only to a small extent to the needs of the company by means of parameterization. Ooops - I have realized that now it is detailed, but you think in this context simply to SAP, Siebel etc.
rises even this list is not exhaustive. The points are but a show. IT outsourcing is a company whose IT system development is a highly dynamic properties, their development is determined by multiple pages, limited to only an understanding of IT have a high-risk alternative with many question marks, and may end up with many lost dollar sign and euro. Let me give you these examples.
A company operating an IT system which, although originally adapted from a standard solution, but developed over many years in receivership. Today the system is highly complex, has huge databases and interfaces to numerous third party systems. The associated problems are manifold. Necessary adjustments to the IT system can not be implemented at short notice. The operation of the system is costly because of an outdated architecture, example, costs for data transfer and storage. The system itself is characterized by high failure rates. The hardware for which the system is designed makes limp of age.
The company decides to save money. For this purpose, a project is placed, with the objective that the IT system is technically bring no changes to the functionality but for up to date. Shortly after the start of the project managers realize that they need to make the necessary adjustments in the system those who have originally developed. Some of them are already retired and for a lot of money temporarily as a "consultant" retrieved. The rest of the team is in good shape with great effort in reverse engineering. The project is ongoing. Difficulties in many places. New requirements for the system, which could influence the course of the project negatively, are avoided by a "frozen zone". Then wait, hope, fear, such as a birth, 9 months pregnant ... and then it's done. The new IT system is there, but not after 9 months but after a few years. It looks for the user is not really new. This was never intended. It is also not really fast and as for dropouts and crashes, warns the IT, that it is not the role of Futzifaltenbüglers should go. It's just how it is. And behind the facade? Still a self-development! Well, here and there we have hurried along with tape, nails and a little spit. As they say in old rusty cars: "It will only be preserved by the color." Stop! If this creates a false impression. We still talk from an albeit "outdated", but the new system. Do you know the game "overtaking without catching up." Recommended for highly nostalgic.
Now that the project is finished, one does not have all the old-old know-how carriers. They are released back into their well-earned retirement, involuntary accompanied by a number Projekt-/Systemspezialisten and testers, we will continue to employ it either. Because with the new architecture is much simpler and does everything faster, so at least the expectation. Therefore, we have now an external service provider is found, the system developed in the future. Outsourcing completed successfully? No, get to know because the external service, the system must only try to understand themselves, understand it (see above). Then the expected moment of all. The service, now officially a black belt in the system Harakiri estimates the costs for future adjustments. It follows what must follow. The cost of a change are far about the costs that are incurred in the past for a change. Now finally could access the outsourcing reputed advantage, namely, that yes, the system does not need to change permanently. These rest periods have cost the company much money sooner. The specialists were sitting around and waiting for new orders. Now you hire the service provider only in the specific case of need and this is paid only for the changes. Stupid is only when development cycles provide the new system because of the congestion and the requirement is not really optimal architecture, no "breaks" and, consequently, the service provider is permanently assigned. In this case, the company saves nothing, It even puts something on it. But the crux is to come. Since you do not trust the new service on the way to build a parallel control organization as a substitute for the old field of IT. And since the subject pages are not predisposed really technophile and will not be able according to the monitoring organization still sees as indispensable information transformer towards the service provider, with its administrative self-understanding (consider, coordinate, assess, coordinate, instruct, test, tune, ...) the system change process extended further.
And the end of outsourcing song "... unless charges have been nothing." Can They sing this song too?
Monday, January 28, 2008
Can Your Glands Get Swollen Due To Your Period
Dear Reader,
here now the last chapter on "Intellectual Property".
Everything protection or what?
Marketing Strategies and policies for the exploitation of intellectual property will be discussed for some time in the popular scientific literature. A closer analysis of individual contributions to the discussion, however, one can not help thinking that some of it and identified as "political marketing" approaches classified no protective measures in the sense discussed here represent relationships. Partly because it is trend-driven business models and holistic marketing strategies. Thus, for example, where advice on how to
- physical and digital distribution of economic sense combined, creates
- value added networks or refinanced
- investment in Internet activities through online advertising.
It is likely that such demarcation problems - despite more varied designs - the lack of sound economic attributed explanations for observable real special feature of trade in intellectual services can be. May therefore be subject to the term "marketing protection measures" in the literature more or less different approaches.
handcuffs pile carpet
to government, resource-based and technical protection mechanisms are the basic principles of reducing abuse of incentives in marketing policies differ. While the former increase the physical and technical on-wall abuse activities and / or enforce compliance with the obligation to pay, the latter set of prices, the cost of the acquisition and use and the benefit foundation of intellectual property.
protection through price variation
providers can price-setting margins, if any advantage, to adjust the prices of intellectual property to the individual willingness to pay of interested buyers. Their willingness to pay is high, prices can sometimes increase without thereby provide effective incentives to abuse. Instead, the payment readiness is low, price reductions can be necessary in the calculation, the regular buyers purchasing authorized copies to appear more attractive.
protection due to lower transaction costs and inputs
Implementation intentions of abuse is associated with different use-reducing effects. In addition to a number of other cost factors have to cost the circumvention of technological pioneers abuse prevention and the search for suitable In botsplattformen account for pirated copies and imitations. Folger abuse-for instance the cost of finding such deals. Take this into account also the risks that be
- perceived their activities and punished,
- the quality-related copies does not meet their expectations or
- appropriate offers are not accessible or permanently in a reasonably short time.
Against the background of these direct and indirect costs of damage it economically attractive for owners to simplify the acquisition and use of their intellectual resources too strong for buyers. This is what vendors such as open, the (Internet) access to fee-based information products, especially be sure to make fast and stable and / or assist with the search for signaling measures corresponding offers. Some authors speak in this context of maximizing the convenience (convenience) the utilization of market performance.
can also assist providers to exercise the right to use outspoken creative services differentiated, for example, concerning additional services or regular Pro-product extensions and enhancements, which, as we recognize this, are only authorized users are available. Assuming that the cost of abuse and the willingness of interested parties Despite these measures are influenced either positively or negatively would have in the calculus of potential abuse perpetrator behavior theoretically less attractive.
protection influence the value of the benefit
The problem of uncontrolled and uncompensated diffusion of innovative and creative works can be met by varying the value of their benefits. Provider thereby influence the willingness to pay, respectively, to the abuse of interested buyers incentives. Here, too, can understand the working principle simple. Basically it's about the benefits of results of intellectual foundation Work to be limited to authorized disposal agents or to increase for them, but to minimize damaging party.
The added value for buyers, meet in the course of the exercise of property rights of the compensation obligation, inter alia, that the characteristics of intellectual property to their respective needs, and / or goods to demand of specific products and services will be added. Under the condition that it to unauthorized third parties do not manage to siphon off these benefits, it loses the plot option abuse its appeal. In addition, highly individualized donate intellectual property outside their application focus is usually no appreciable benefit. Interested parties who are not involved in the individualization process can, through the use of those resources to meet their needs or not complete. Maybe they feel goods properties even be disadvantageous. The risk of abuse should be reduced further due to lack of generating profit or negative benefit effects.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Safenet Sentinel Usb Format
- pirated copies are unusable after the reproduction operation or after a certain time,
- imitation and plagiarism are different from originals, which should simplify the claims investigation, or
- of reproductive effort is increased so that it bears no reasonable relationship to the economic benefits of counterfeiting or the opportunity cost of the permitted appropriation.
The interim conclusion is noted: the owner and creator try using of technical protection mechanisms, the exercise of property rights to prevent its results of creative work by unauthorized third parties and / or to identify such behavior. The respective measures designed in particular to make it more difficult to abuse so and to accelerate its exposure of the associated costs and risks are high and discourage injury trials. It will thus increase the willingness of interested parties relating to intellectual property of designated market players charged. At the same time consumers and competitors are limited in their ability to use permits or illegally acquired goods in harmful intention to reproduce and give weiterzu. Technical protection does these points with the A-policy objectives in line with laws. Nevertheless rights holders resulting from the misuse of their intellectual property protected technically liable for any compensation for any possible benefit loss. This requires necessarily accompany by legal arrangements.
As developments in industrial processes are subject to the protection of intellectual property are very dynamic and diverse, this section can only offer an overview of some of the most topical protection and detection technologies. To simplify their subsequent economic evaluation is given to the previously taken Systematization of the control functions used.
access control
for the control of access to creative services can use different technologies. One of the simplest and widely used solutions to protect mass-marketable results of intellectual activities include software-based queries of key information on registration numbers and passwords. Actors who have received this information, according to their input access to defined areas of intellectual resources. Another method for people qualified - is the authentication test key physical carriers such as CDs, floppy disks, dongle or memory card. Owner of this key carrier must, in order to see protected results of intellectual work, can be read before this special equipment. Is it or its registration with the identifier stored in the system match, access is enabled. The advantage over purely informative key is to lower risk of forgetting and of uncontrolled diffusion of key information. A disadvantage may prove to be the transport of key support between different access points, for example, the change of Dongeln between multiple computers. Another disadvantage is the fact that readers usually can not distinguish between duplicated or passed on key physical media. Pro-repeal these problems, was more recently begun to refer to individual characteristics of different body of people for authentication.
addition, there are no less relevant technologies, whose job it is to exclude the intrusion into computer networks for unauthorized access to intellectual resources is stored. These include so-called firewalls. These included systems compare with each network access information
- requested to Content, such as programs, records and documents
- for user identity, for example, the name of the user, and / or
- to the access point, for example, serial number of the user terminals.
Can not the information collected will be verified, protected areas of the network remain locked. As a complement or alternative to firewall solutions provide intrusion detection programs, ways to diagnose the unauthorized use of networks. These programs are specifically looking for abnormalities in the normal operation of data processing, trace their causes and effects and to determine the starting point the Normwidrigkeit.
usage control
suitable addition to access control, various authentication technologies, to monitor the use and modification of intellectual property. For example, the law on the inspection of program source code, or the copying of music CDs from the input of an identifier may be made. As appropriate technology for securing the distribution of information in unprotected or difficult to be protected channels and to control the consumption of valuable intellectual achievements is the cryptography. In this case, text, image and audio files from the transmitter prior to transmission of special mostly highly complex mathematical algorithms coded. Only selected recipients who have paid for the use or otherwise obtained an authorization to use get the algorithm and the technologies necessary for decoding. Users, which the algorithm is unknown, should theoretically not be able to interpret the encrypted intellectual resources. A sufficiently well-known example of the commercial use of cryptographic methods is the German pay-TV channel Premiere World.
change and diffusion control
A new and is in practice even less common in the literature under protection technology The term digital watermark discussed. Here is additional information that you hiding in digital media content, or fragments thereof for users not usually noticeable. For illegal acts, such as during the manufacture of pirated copies, certain features are changed the watermark. In this way, can be identified digital replicas and original intellectual property clearly attributed to a creator. With the assistance of specific testing mechanisms, it is also possible with this technology to trace the development of digital copies over several phases copy (first copy, copy the first copy) to the original, the more clues to the identity of wrongdoers to obtain. In addition, once identified piracy on networked computers will be automatically deleted or destroyed. For technical support of such an approach is offered by the use of intelligent agents. Originally designed for the infor-mation search-designed in peripheral databases that can provide these programs repurpose such that they search
- in computer networks based on modified digital watermark
- according to a strategy of escalation rights holders claims information and
- unauthorized copies unusable . Make
The following table summarizes the aforementioned technical protection mechanisms for intellectual property. It also includes examples of selected examples that are absorbed selectively in the further analysis. prevent
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Famous Hispanic Quotations
Dear Reader,
to abuse, it is free market operators to waive the articulation and implementation of valuable ideas with other words, they should refrain from creating intellectual property. In this case, however, is not compensate for the more economic problems, conflicting interests between sellers and buyers of intellectual market performance. As next-offers the possibility to publish only partial results of intellectual work, or to codify selected elements of knowledge and to keep any part of the innovative and creative knowledge tazit or not to publish. If it succeeds, the misuse of disclosed intellectual resources of the appropriation of confidential or inarticulate knowledge components from-making independently and with the current knowledge carrier or its site are very strongly tied ("sticky information"), you can Abuse attempts are foiled. are considered major causes and factors for such a knowledge-bound:
- measures to limit that author and owner of the diffusion of innovative and creative works of trying, for example, legal and technical safeguards
- the decision of information owners, access to intellectual achievements to make a charge, such as through the collection of license fee,
- the missing or incomplete codifiability creative skills as well as the specificity and details of their specific articulation, For example, in complex product innovations,
- the scale and complexity of the necessary information, for instance, you must master for the exploitation of intellectual property knowledge of an entire department.
These possible determinants limit the uncontrolled diffusion of intellectual resources, as in the case of their existence, they increase the time and effort especially financial abuse. The "degree of adhesion" of knowledge is thus an important determinant of the risk of abuse of intellectual property.
The importance of complementary resources tizipieren
market players who intend to illegally in foreign results of intellectual work to par, must have a rule on a number of complementary resources. use

To the question in-intellectually property for its purposes, may be causing the damage, for example, invest some in a highly context-specific skills, information and technology. Abuse aimed at the production and sale of principles Raubko, plagiarism and imitation need pirates and innovation followers sufficient manufacturing, distribution and marketing capabilities and access to markets.
The acquisition, development and / or development of these resources are often associated with time-and cost-intensive measures, such as learning or adjustment of the technical infrastructure. Tortfeasor must therefore be forced to hold over a longer period significant human capacity and use as needed. You also need to secure funding to make light of the implementation measures of abuse. Should it be denied tortfeasors to build complementary resources in a cost-effective manner, they lose to illegal practices as a treatment option more attractive. Of these Relationships can benefit abuse Threatened market players in many ways. The abuse prevention for the most important issues related to confidentiality of complementary skills and a protection of sensitive information and technologies are introduced in the following example. can
confidentiality of complementary skills
The reproduction, counterfeiting and intellectual property and share Change sometimes requires extensive tazites knowledge, share the one about socialization, but only in part by explication converted into codified knowledge. For example, the craftsmanship of to dominate sculpture or the engineering intricacies of product innovations in the high technology sector, must be traversed before an intensive training by qualified technical experts. It is therefore important to identify actors with market abuse and intentions to exclude from participation in the training and instruction. Can be avoided beyond direct personal contacts between knowledge institutions and tortfeasors, the latter are not in a position by merely observing and imitating abuse tazites relevant knowledge to take over. A similar effect is achieved the deliberate concealment or recoding of already codified knowledge, such as on the combination with specific technical terms whose meaning remains largely closed to outsiders.
protection complementary information
for the identification, recording and use of external knowledge is often required for complementary information and experience. The pattern emerging from this knowledge base, learning ability is referred to as absorptive capacity. Manages to authors and owners of innovative and creative works, potential tortfeasors the possibilities to develop absorptive capacities restrict undesirable behavior is difficult, hindered or even averted. Focus this should be on protection of information as soon as they are available to the public, can contribute to more economical realization of abuse. Such factors include knowledge of legal gray areas of the uncompensated appropriation of intellectual achievements or fee information on vulnerabilities of technical protection mechanisms.
fuse complementary technologies
The production and exploitation of intellectual property are bound according to its specific context of expression in certain technical conditions. A substantial part of those conditions must also meet actors who intend to results creative work to appropriate permission to use and the substitution of the making of copies or imitations. For example, to reconstruct complex medical devices, it needs tools on highly specific, expensive machinery and precision. If interested denied access to complementary technologies, they are unable to implement their intentions abuse. Such a situation can bring about in several ways. Thus, owners try to deprive potential tortfeasors complementary technologies, such as by entering into exclusive contracts with technology suppliers. Or strategically important technologies themselves are developed, with which the innovating firm retains the ability to control the publication of development results. Also there is the possibility of exploiting the technical potential to link to specific expertise. As an example of such an approach we think of CNC machine-NEN, are controlled for their control a complex programming language needs.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Wording For Invitations With Price Per Person
Dear Reader,
private market actors may, in particular in two different ways of benefit-governmental safeguards for intellectual property.
- , they have the possibility for damage that causes the abuse of innovative and creative works to obtain compensation payments from state-imposed penalty fees. In the penalty fees apply economic theory, called User Charges or User Fees, as an important instrument for the maintenance and regulation of markets in which no rival (public) goods to be traded. This is known to include various forms of intellectual work products.
- can draw one for the defense of valuable intellectual resources of the regulations on industrial property.
penalty fees
In the case of intellectual property of the State is pursuing different goals with positive charges. First and foremost, they act as a price to compensate replacement (allocation mechanism) for creative services to market imperfections. The survey of compulsory fees but might also help to remove eco-nomic distortions caused by abuse or potentially caused. The State or legally authorized institutions to attract players of sanctionable monetary compensation (fees) for expert users free of charge from the Possession, use, duplication and distribution of intellectual property. penalty charges are also brought into use when triggering the implementation of other protection measures, for example, through higher costs of control, negative effects would allocation. These conditions apply in particular to the protection of intellectual digitized goods. In Germany, in the media for several years hard charges to so-called collecting societies to lead. These include well-known examples such as
- as required by the fee collection center (GEZ) fee for the reception public service radio programs,
- Broadcasting, reproduction and distribution fees for copyrighted songs that are payable to the Society for Musical Performing and Mechanical Reproduction Rights (GEMA), and
- by the collecting society-word (VG-word) levied on the sales-of photocopiers and per copied page.
Intellectual legal
tried The State laws as rules defining and conditioning their release, to position the purchase and use of intellectual property. In contrast to the compulsory fee is the abuse of intellectual property, where he identified and fixed-tortfeasors may be charged, prosecuted and not against development institutions, the standard compensation payments tolerated or is released. For market actors should be increased so that the safety of the potential consequences of their actions.
pursued in this context, the State intends to simplify the search for suitable contractors and shorten negotiations for the design of supply contracts, that is, transaction costs allocation of processes to ring-VER-ren. With the penalty effect of laws can also treat any possible allocation distortions. Similar to the protective mechanism of forced fees must wrongdoer internalize negative external effects of the abuse and pay for skimmed positive externalities for the GE-called compensation, for example, by payment of damages. Thus, it is the state in principle possible to stop unwanted behaviors in whole or in part, to force the desired behavior of legal goods and factory use or encourage.
The statutory Ex-assurance, the use of intellectual property and exempt or prohibit the enforcement of compensation in case of violation of these rights, also can author and owner of higher returns, sometimes realize monopoly rents. This gives you incentives for future innovation projects and for the commercialization of already developed innovative and creative ideas.
In the following table the consideration of the various legal protections for intellectual property in a comparative presentation are summarized.
In the next blog: resource-based Protection mechanisms